The 2024 Tule Review, edited by Linda Jackson Collins, is completed and copies will be available this coming week. Thanks to all who submitted, and thanks to Linda for her conscientious work on the new book.
Tule Review publishes once a year. The journal showcases new & established writers from the region as well as across the nation. The staff has nominated several of its published poets for the Pushcart Prize. The journal, founded in 1993 by Patrick Grizzell, Mary Zeppa & Julia Connor, premiered as a tabloid publication.
Over the years, the format has changed, but Tule has maintained its commitment to publishing work representative of high standards of the literary arts. Absent for a few years, it returned in 2023 under the capable editorship Susan Kelly-DeWitt.
The images at left show the original and the latest editions of Tule Review.
The premiere edition of its New Rivers Quarterly Chapbook series is off to press after a bit of a delay. The first issue has been edited by El Dorado Poet Laureate Lara Gularte, and will include poems by members of the Mule Creek State Prison poets workshop of which she is a facilitator.
Poets and writers at Mule Creek State Prison participate in writing circles that facilitate access to meaningful dialogue about writing among peers. Some are staff and writers for the prison newspaper, The Mule Creek Post. Many are published in notable journals and magazines such as Journal X, Colossus Press, Illuminations, Iron City Magazine. A few have books on Amazon. (One member, Mike Owens, has excerpts from his collection of poems The Way Back, Random Lane Press, 2023, in this issue of Poet News.) Their voices reach outside prison walls, empowering them with free expression. We wish to celebrate that expression.
The cover shows an illustration by workshop member Nathaniel Blalock.

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online through our website). Some of these are in limited
These books are also available to SPC members for check
out through our library (in person only). Members, see an
SPC representative to check out any book in our library.
Tule Review 2023 & 24*, and More Than Enough* are also
available through Amazon at full price.
Tule Review 2024* (due out very soon!)
SPC’s annual anthology,
edited by Linda Jackson Collins.
New Rivers Quarterly Vol, 1, No.1* (2024)
This rebranding of the original Rivers chapbooks series makes its debut
featuring incarcerated writers. Due out this week.
Edited by Lara Gularte.
Tule Review 2023*
SPC’s annual anthology,
edited by Susan Kelly-DeWitt.
Tule Review* Back Issues
There are only a few back issues of previous issues of Tule Review.
It’s best to come and see what’s available, as available titles change.
More Than Enough* (2023)
SPC’s anthology of workshops participants, edited by. Nick LeForce,
Our Music by Dennis Schmitz (2022)
The final posthumous collection of work of the masterful Sacramento icon,
Coachella Elegy by A.E. Hines (2024)
Winner of the 2023 Trio Award, Christian Gullette's Coachella Elegy explores the queer promised lands and poolside utopias of the American West.
Be Broken To Be Whole by Tom Crawford (2024)
Posthumously published selected works by a former Sacramento poet.
The Sacramento Anthology: 100 Poems* (2021)
Edited Dennis Schmitz & Viola Weinberg Spencer
A selection of notable Sacramento poets compiled by Sacramento’s inaugural Poets Laureate.